The Communicable Disease Network of Australia (CDNA) has released an updated version of the National Guidelines for Syphilis which you can view here.
An important update from these guidelines is the increase of screening in pregnancy to 3 times at:
- First antenatal visit
- 26-28 weeks
- 36 weeks or at delivery (whichever is earlier)
With a rise in congenital syphilis notifications in NSW, it’s vital that we continue to routinely screen throughout pregnancy to prevent this severe, disabling and sometimes life-threatening infection.
Opportunistic screening of syphilis in people of reproductive age should continue to remain on our radar and syphilis screening is required to complete every STI check-up.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Syphilis results, treatment or contact tracing you can contact the Syphilis Support Program on 1800 451 624 Monday to Friday 9am-7pm.
Please reach out to if you have further questions.