AH&MRC Policy and Non-Profit Training (NPT) have developed a Capacity Building training program specifically for our member services. The training program has been developed to build the capacity of staff at member services to ensure they have the skills required to advocate and manage their services. The training program will include workshops on different topics including:
- Grant writing
- Tender writing
- Project management
- Advocacy
- Project evaluation or Governance
NPT is a business supported with education and training professionals who have been managing and providing training services for Australian non-profit organisations for over 25 years. NPT has extensive experience in delivering training in the not-for-profit sector to peak bodies, ACCHSs, organisations, associations, and community groups across Australia.
Similar training was conducted earlier this year that focussed on policy development. We received positive feedback from our member services, indicating that similar training programs would be beneficial in building capacity for staff at member services.
Workshops will be capped at 25 students per class and will run at various times across 2022 and 2023. A doddle poll will be circulated so that you can nominate what days and times work for your service. Workshops will be run virtually to ensure everyone can attend the workshops, relevant zoom links will be circulated. We are seeking EOI’s for your staff to attend these training workshops. Please note that this is capped at one person per service. Ideally, this should be someone who does the policy or program related work so that they can build capacity within their service.
The workshops will include;
Grant Writing Training
- There are many grants available to non-profit organisations and with a workforce with limited time to dedicate to applying for grants, how do you decide which ones are best?
- This workshop is designed to assist grant writers and fundraising committees to understand the broader picture of grant giving and provide a base for applying for a range of grants for their organisation.
Tender Writing Training
- Each year, federal, state and local governments as well as businesses and charities invite not-for-profit and for-profit organisations to submit competitive bids for the supply of goods and services.
- This workshop will provide participants with the tools to effectively plan the tender response to reduce the fatigue of tender writing and improve performance and success rate
Project Management Training
- Projects in the not-for-profit sector can be challenging with limited budgets, answering to Boards and managing volunteering staff.
- This workshop will provide participants with the tools to effectively plan, budget, lead and manage a team, monitor and report on projects within the non-profit sector.
- Advocacy focuses on addressing specific needs and issues within our complex world.
- This workshop will provide participants with an understanding of how to put themselves in the shoes of others so they can effectively influence change.
- The participants will be engaged in discussions, planning and scenario activities to bring the role of the changemaker to life.
Project Evaluation
- Projects are developed because there is a realisation that something needs to change or improve.
- This workshop will provide participants with ideas on how to think critically about the need for change and the evidence that exists to support change.
- Governance is the system of checks and balances for leaders in not for profit organisations which leads to a positive Board/Committee member experience and proper management of conflicts of interest and risk.
- This program is practical, informative, comprehensive, fun and effective for all members of the board.
- It is customised with the outcome framework, which guides and prioritises the work plan for the Board to achieve best practice governance
We understand that with 47 member services, we will not be able to cover everyone within the class caps. It is out intent to run this initial program as a pilot. We are looking to run the program again, if successful, for the services that miss out. We may also expand the program in future to include other courses.
If you would like to be included in the training, please email policy@ahmrc.org.au