Point of Care Test(POCT)s are already used widely in many of our member services for chronic disease (HbA1c, ACR) and infectious disease including respiratory (COVID 19, influneza, RSV) and sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis). Other POCT for Blood Borne viruses such as Hep C and HIV are also available and these and other POCT e.g. Strep A are likely to becomeeven more accessible and available in primary care settings.
If you are currently using POCT as part of your service delivery including billing Medicare items for these tests, it is important to ensure your accreditation is current and in line with RACGP Point of care Standards. This isespecially important if you do not participate in the the QAAMS program and are billing point-of-care testing items 73812 and 73826, You will find the RACGP Point of Care Accreditation Standards here.
If you have any further questions regarding this, please get in touch with Publichealth@ahmrc.org.au