Our People to Live Stronger & Longer

Member Service Support

Our role at the AH&MRC is to work with member services to ensure they are able to provide high quality primary health care to Aboriginal communities across NSW. We do this by working directly with member services, and collaborating with state and federal governments and other health affiliates to ensure the ACCH sector is adequately represented, and their needs are addressed.

In addition to this, the Public Health Team works alongside, and provides guidance to other parts of the AH&MRC Team, including the Health Programs Team and the Service and Quality Improvement Team.

The Public Health Team at AH&MRC welcomes, and encourages member services to reach out to us if they have any questions, or queries that we may be able to assist with.

If your service requires assistance from the Public Health Team, please reach out to us via our email publichealth@ahmrc.org.au
