Our People to Live Stronger & Longer

Ordinary MemberSouthern Region

Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service Ltd – Glenroy

AWAHS is a not-for-profit organisation that was established to cater for the primary healthcare needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their families.

Albury Wodonga is a designated Aboriginal resettlement area, since the late 1960’s and early 1970’s as deemed by the government of the era, highlighting that Aboriginal families would have greater access to education, health, employment and other essential services.

Over the past 30 years the local Albury Wodonga Aboriginal community, which comprises over 50 different language groups, lobbied various governments to establish a community-owned Aboriginal Health Service.

In 2001, a partnership between Mungabareena Aboriginal Corporation, Wandoo Aboriginal Corporation and Woomera Aboriginal Corporation was founded, enabling these organisations to undertake a project to establish the gaps in Aboriginal healthcare. Later in 2001, the Koori Cross Border Health Plan was developed – a report highlighting the dire health statistics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and addressed the urgency for a dedicated Aboriginal Health Service that would help meet the needs of community and improve health outcomes, locally.

A steering committee was formed off the findings of the report, and with assistance from the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council (AH&MRC) of NSW, Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service (AWAHS) was created.

Area Specialise

  • Clinical Medical
  • Cultural Advice/Programs
  • Administration and Transport
  • Social Emotional Wellbeing


If you would like to have your say as to how the organisation is governed, then you need to become a member of the organisation. Full membership enables AWAHS’ Aboriginal clients to vote for community ambassadors to represent their view on the AWAHS Board of Governance.

Aboriginal community members can apply for AWAHS membership.

Non-Aboriginal community members can apply for associate membership.

AWAHS Aboriginal members are eligible to attend and vote at extraordinary general meetings (EGM) and the annual general meeting (AGM), as well attend and observe any Board of Governance meetings. AWAHS members are also eligible to apply to represent their community at Board level.

Associate members (non-Aboriginal community members) have both attendance and speaking rights, including the offering of advice at EGM’s and AGM’s though are not eligible to vote, nor stand for election as office holders for the organisation, neither the Board of Governance.

To apply to become an AWAHS member, applicants need to complete the ‘application for membership form’, as well obtain nomination by two existing organisation members.

The annual membership fee is $2.00 and must be paid within 28 days of acceptance advice from the Board of Governance, and thereafter by June 30 each year.