It is important that everyone stay’s safe, healthy, and strong over the long weekend. COVID-19 and the flu are still highly infectious and may be spread by close contact with other people, and Aboriginal people who live with chronic health conditions and/or are over 50 are at greater risk. If you are planning to go out on the weekend, make sure that you:
Plan your trip
Pack hand sanitiser, your own water bottle and follow the rules on buses, trains and trams. If you can, avoid using public transport by walking, riding a bike or sharing a lift with friends and family.
Wash, wash, and wash your hands!
Use hand sanitiser and wash your hands regularly throughout the day, especially before you decide to re-fuel with food and drink, as well as soon as you get home. Try to avoid touching your face when out and about, as this is the easiest way for germs to spread.
Continue to keep a safe distance
Try to keep a safe and healthy space between you and others. The best way to ensure that viruses don’t spread is to keep a safe distance of 1.5 metres and, as much as you may want to hug and kiss your friends and family, try not to.
The COVID-19 Safe app may also track who you’ve been in contact with and a health official will be in touch with you if you have been exposed to the virus. If you’d like to learn more about the COVID-19 safe app, click here.
If you feel unwell stay home
Our Communities have done a great job so far with keeping COVID-19 out. If you’re feeling sick with a cough, sore/scratchy throat, shortness of breath or fever, stay home to avoid putting your loved ones at risk.
As restrictions ease, it is more important than ever to stay safe and practise social distancing rules. For the latest updates and information visit the NSW Health website.
Authors –
AH&MRC Cultural Group
AH&MRC Comms Team