Background -The AH&MRC has been funded by Prime Minister and Cabinet (PMC) to strengthen the capacity of the Social and Emotional Well-being (SEWB) workforce and to promote holistic approaches to wellbeing for Aboriginal people and communities.
Objectives/Outcomes – To support professional development and provide/increase foundational knowledge and skills to increase the capacity of the workforce to provide:
Individual counselling, SEWB support and group therapy
Case management and referral
Cultural healing, including healing camps
Community engagement, outreach
Promotion, advocacy and partnerships
Family tracing, research and reunions
SEWB support and/or counselling
Outreach support, referral and liaison
AOD residential and non-residential rehabilitation services
Workforce Development
AOD Networks
Community Support
Program Highlights
The AH&MRC Public Health and Intelligence Team work with members and other key stakeholders to facilitate a range of activities including:
Sober Support
We provide support for Members in understanding the Acts, the Rule Books and Constitutions, the sequence of a Board Meeting and Financial Report reading and interpretation.
Breaking the Cycle
The AH&MRC looks at grant and funding opportunities and assists in applications. We assist in policy submissions and advocacy to key Ministers and Stakeholders.
Recovery Pathways
The AH&MRC have regular meetings and contact with the NSW Ministry of Health and have regular communications with our Membership through fortnightly teleconferences
Healthy Habits
The AH&MRC has a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) to increase the skills of our Membership’s workforce. Our RTO courses are Nationally Accredited and AHPRA Accredited.
The AH&MRC RTO is funded by the Government at multiple levels to subsidise for course fees and increase access to educational opportunities. Course fees vary due to the cost of delivery, as well as the level of subsidies available for certain qualifications via Government initiatives. Short Courses offered may not have any subsidies available due to the length and accreditation level of the course. To learn more about NSW Government subsidies visit the Smart and Skilled website.
A Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a reference number/letter combination created for you that stays with you throughout your educational life to securely maintain a record of your training attainment. A USI number is a national requirement for all students to obtain prior to enrolling in tertiary education or training courses.
When you have determined the right course for you, as part of the enrollment process, you are required to undertake an initial skills assessment. This will include a short phone interview, conducted by the AH&MRC RTO to establish your knowledge and experience of the industry you are training to gain employment in, as well as a Language Literacy and Numeracy level. The screening process helps us understand any additional assistance you may need prior to commencing your training.
In order to enrol to study at the AH&MRC RTO, candidates will need to complete an enrolment form and consent form. The AH&MRC RTO will then apply for Smart and Skilled funding on the candidate’s behalf. Once we receive a quote for subsidy we will await the candidate’s approval of the quote before processing it to State Training. For more information about Smart and Skilled visit the Smart and Skilled Website. For information on the Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy click here.
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