Our People to Live Stronger & Longer

Free Suicide Prevention Training  

Opening conversations around suicide is vital to increase awareness and help prevent suicide in our communities – but knowing exactly what to do that can help can be daunting.

Over 10 million Australian adults are estimated to know someone who has died by suicide.

One in two your people are impacted by suicide by the time they turn 25 and around 8-9 lives are lost by suicide every day.

Wesley Lifeforce Suicide Prevention training educates people about suicide, challenging attitudes and teaches basic engagement and suicide intervention skills.

You will gain increased confidence in your ability to identify people who may be at risk of suicide, communicate appropriately, ask a person if they are considering suicide and conduct a suicide intervention.

Course Date: Friday 7 February
9:00am – 1:30pm
Riverwood Community Centre
Maria Krohn 
Apply today: Click here.

This program is accredited with Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP), assessed against the Suicide Prevention Australia Standards for Quality Improvement.