Phrase 2 of the evaluation project for KOWA Pty Ltd will be to develop a First Nations Data Governance Framework and First Nations Data Sovereignty Protocol to underpin the evaluation of the NSW Aboriginal Cancer Primary Care Program.
First Nations Data Sovereignty refers to the right of First Nations people to govern the collection, ownership and application of data about them. First Nations Data Governance is how data sovereignty is enacted. Kowa will utilise the OCCAAARS Framework (2022) to operationalise First Nations Data Sovereignty principles across all evaluation phases.
For this evaluation, the Governance Group will include representatives from;
- Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations
- The Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council
- Cancer Institute NSW
The Governance Group will be involved throughout the life of the evaluation to ensure that the Evaluation Team (Kowa Pty Ltd) upholds the First Nations Data Governance Framework and First Nations Data Sovereignty Protocol developed in phase two.
Expectations for the Governance Group include;
- One full day per year (spread across multiple meetings) – the Evaluation is scheduled for completion in June 2026
- Review First Nations Data Governance Framework and First Nations Data Sovereignty Protocol
- Other expectations to be explored and set during the first workshop.
Once recruitment of member to the Governance Group has been completed, the Evaluation Team will reach out to provide further information in relation to their participation requirements, this will include dates, times etc.