Our People to Live Stronger & Longer

BlaQ Lead NAIDOC Week Events

Pride in Culture BBQ

BlaQ welcomes community for a day of good food, fun activities, and cultural well-being. Join us at Redfern Park, right near the fountain on Sunday 7th July, from 10am to 4pm. Bring your whole mob and we will see you there!

Universal Nightclub Takeover

On Friday 12th July Oxford Streets, Universal Nightclub will be taken over by BlaQ to raise vital funds for our work within the community. Join us on the top floor of the venue for ‘Sanctuary’ and enjoy a night of dancing with your favourite First Nations DJ’s and Drag performers.

Join BlaQ for Lunch

BlaQ is pleased to announce a partnership with OzHarvest in which Tuesdays fortnightly mob can come together for a free and delicious lunch at Refettorio Sydney, to yarn, connect with services, speak one on one with BlaQ team-members, and simply enjoy a comforting meal.

Limited spots are available for each sitting. If you would like to join us for lunch please contact us via the link below to join the mailing list.