What is the issue?
Japanese Encephalitis (JE) virus and Murray Valley Encephalitis (MVE) virus have re-emerged in NSW, posing an ongoing risk of infection in higher-risk areas (see blue areas on map over-page). Cases of JE have been notified in eastern Australian states this summer. Severe cases of JE or MVE may present with neurological symptoms, including acute encephalitis.
What should I advise my patients?
- Advise patients on how to prevent mosquito borne infections, visit: Mosquito-borne diseases
- Offer free vaccine to people who are eligible either based on location or occupation
- Follow the booster dose recommendations in the Australian Immunisation Handbook (‘Recommended doses of Japanese encephalitis vaccines’ table). In NSW, eligible individuals
should be considered as at ongoing risk of exposure. - JE booster doses are recommended 1-2 years after the primary course for those who remain eligible in NSW, and whose primary course was with either:
o JEspect and the individual was ≥ 18 years, or
o Imojev, and the individual was < 18 years - Discuss any suspected cases with an infectious disease physician
Who is eligible for free JE vaccine?
In NSW, free JE vaccine is available for people aged 2 months or older, who meet either of the following criteria (for complete list, visit NSW Health JE Vaccination):
Location-based eligibility
People who live or routinely work in Local Government Areas of high JE virus concern (see the full list of areas at NSW Health JE Vaccination) and who:
- Regularly spend time outdoors,
- Are experiencing homelessness,
- Are living in conditions with limited mosquito protection (e.g., tents, caravans, dwellings without insect screens),
- Are engaged in outdoor flood recovery (clean-up) efforts, including repeated professional or volunteer deployments.
Occupation-based eligibility
People anywhere in NSW who work in high-risk environments. A full list is available at NSW Health JE Vaccination, but includes pig industry workers, mosquito surveillance and control workers and laboratory workers.
Further information:
Contact your public health unit on 1300 066 055 or visit:
- Japanese encephalitis – Information for health professionals (includes further case studies)
- Mosquito Borne Diseases