Meet Our Board of Directors
The AH&MRC is governed by a dedicated Board of Directors, consisting of eight Aboriginal individuals who were elected by AH&MRC Members on a regional basis. This leadership ensures effective representation, support and advocacy for our Members and their respective communities on Aboriginal health at state and national levels.
Jamie Newman
Western Region
Kristine Falzon
Deputy Chairperson
Southern Region
Tom Flanders
Northern Region
James Williams
Southern Region
Christine Corby AM
Western Region
Lindsay Hardy
Metropolitan Region
Jason Smith
Metropolitan Region
Scott Monaghan
Northern Region
AH&MRC Board
Board Functions
- Strategy
- Chairperson
- Monitoring
- Compliance
- Risk Management
- Policy framework
- Member Service Engagement
- Decision making
- Networking
Governance Roles
- Board
- Structure
- Member Responsibilities
- Chairperson
- Secretary
Board Processes
- Board Meetings
- Board Agenda
- Board Audits
- Board Minutes
- Board Calendar
- Committees
Board Effectiveness
- AH&MRC Protection
- Board Evaluation
- Remuneration
- Board Selection
- Board Induction
- Board Development
Our Staff
The AH&MRC is a group of passionate and diverse people with strong fundamental values of unity, loyalty, inclusion and respect.
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