Anti-vaping research with Aboriginal youth and community has been conducted via a collaborative partnership of Waminda, Pius X, Walgett AMS, Eleanor Duncan, Inside Policy (a 100% Aboriginal-owned and led agency), and the Cancer Institute NSW.
The purpose of the project was to increase a shared understanding of the knowledge, attitudes, and use of e-cigarettes (vapes) by Aboriginal young people 14 to 24 years of age, including activities and strategies that may reduce the uptake and encourage quitting among Aboriginal young people.
The community report provides the Key Findings and Considerations.
While the Considerations will involve a broad range of organisations, which the Cancer Institute NSW is working to disseminate, a priority is first to communicate the findings to all AH&MRC members to help inform any work being conducted to reduce vaping amongst young people in the community.
The results will be published by collaborating with interested ACCHOs and the Cancer Institute NSW to contribute to National and International First Nation’s research. Publication requires that results cannot be formally presented at conferences or published on any websites before a paper is published.