Our People to Live Stronger & Longer

Tell us your good news stories!

Here at the AH&MRC, we are proud of our Member Services and the awesome things you mob are accomplishing. We’re getting ready to put together our annual report, and we want to hear what you guys have been up to!

It can be anything from community success stories, showcasing how the your organisation has brought members together to support and motivate each other on their health and wellness journeys. Volunteer spotlights, recognising the contributions of volunteers who have dedicated their time and expertise to support our organisation’s initiatives. You can share stories of how your organisation has made a difference in improving access to healthcare, promoting healthy lifestyles, or addressing health disparities. Lastly, the impact on families, share stories of how the AH&MRC resources and/or programs have not only benefited individual members but also your families and loved ones.

Got a good news story that you want to share? Tell us here!