Our People to Live Stronger & Longer


Respiratory Infection Prevention and Control Manual

Respiratory infections remain a persistent public health challenge affecting our communities. While COVID-19 emergency reports have decreased, influenza and other respiratory illnesses continue to pose significant risks.

In response, the AH&MRC Public Health team has developed a comprehensive Infection Prevention and Control Manual tailored for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs). This resource provides ACCHO staff with accessible guidance on implementing standard infection prevention and control measures.

This manual has up-to-date information adapted from RACGP & NSW Clinical Excellence Commission guidelines.

This resource includes easy to follow guides for:

  • Infectious disease transmission
  • Safe working principles – including ACCHO IPAC Framework for Respiratory Protection
  • Levels of precautions
  • Manage exposure incidents
  • Disease response – triage procedures

We encourage ACCHOs to utilize this resource as a preparedness and response tool for respiratory infection prevention and control within their Aboriginal Medical Services (AMSs).

This manual is available online via the AH&MRC website and hard copies can be ordered through the AH&MRC Shop with free delivery to AH&MRC member services.

2024 Seasonal Influenza Preparedness Toolkit

This resource is designed to assist Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) to tailor plans intended to protect their communities from influenza and other respiratory viruses in anticipation of the annual influenza season.

Key features of the Toolkit:

  • Alignment with RACGP pandemic influenza preparedness guidelines, NSW Health influenza pandemic plan, and Australian infection prevention and control standards for healthcare settings
  • Regular updates to reflect the latest seasonal changes and recommendations
  • Detailed information on influenza symptoms, treatment options, and prevention strategies
  • An Influenza checklist to ensure ACCHOs implement all recommended measures each flu season

This Toolkit is readily accessible online via the AH&MRC website and hard copies can be ordered through the AH&MRC Shop with free delivery to AH&MRC member services.