Our People to Live Stronger & Longer

NSW ACCHOs Drug Alerts

Nitazene is a synthetic opioid that is up to 10 times stronger than fentanyl and up to 500 times stronger than heroin. Only a small amount of Nitazene can lead to an opioid overdose  or death and has been responsible for many deaths and overdoses in Europe and North America.  

Nitazene has now been detected in Australia, with devastating consequences. 16 – 18 deaths in Victoria are suspected to be from Nitazene use and 4 severe opioid overdoses requiring hospitalisations in Sydney are confirmed to be from this new drug. 

It has been found in vapes, MDMA, ecstasy tablets, cocaine, heroin and may be used in other illicit drugs commonly used. Illicit drug use has never been more dangerous in Australia, and ACCHO healthcare workers should be aware of this new threat and the potential danger it poses to their clients. 

More information about the risk is available in the Public Drug Warning on the NSW Health website. 

Naloxone is an Effective Treatment for Opioid Overdoses and available free of charge.

The NSW Government offers to supply ACCHOs with Naloxone to dispense to clients and their carers free of charge. 

Take home Naloxone is a life saving measure which can temporarily reverse an opioid overdose, including with Nitazenes. Nitazenes can last longer in the body than heroin and naloxone. Higher and repeated doses of naloxone are often required as well as hospital treatment. 

Because Fentanyl and Nitazene are often added to non-opioid illicit drugs, such as ice, and MDMA, anyone using illicit drugs is strongly advised to carry keep Naloxone with them and keep at home just in case they take a substance containing Nitazene or Fentanyl.

Take home Naloxone is available as an easy-to-use nasal spray or injection from some pharmacies and other health services. You can watch a webinar explaining how ACCHO’s can be involved in the take home Naloxone program on the AH&MRC website: Watch the webinar here.

For more information on Naloxone or where the nearest pharmacies with Naloxone nasal sprays are located visit: Your Room – Naloxone​ 

NSW Health Alerts – Gonnorrhoea and Mpox

Gonorrhoea with Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)  

NSW Health Alert was released in response to the increased detection of Antimicrobial Resistant (AMR) Gonorrhoea within NSW Gonorrhoea notifications.

Gonorrhoea is a standard request for all Asymptomatic STI Screening together with chlamydia, HIV, syphilis and Hepatitis B (if status not documented in the patient’s medical record).  

However, it is essential that with increasing resistance to current first-line Antibiotic treatment for Gonorrhoea, that a gonococcal culture is collected for each positive case BEFORE treatment to ensure that all AMR Gonorrhoea is identified and adequately treated. 

For all treatment, management and contact tracing guidelines refer to The Australian STI Guidelines, contact your nearest Sexual Health Clinic or the Sexual Health Information Line (SHIL). 

New mpox cases detected in NSW 

8 mpox cases have been confirmed in recent weeks in NSW, some have been linked to an outbreak in Victoria, but local transmission has also occurred. 72 Mpox cases have now been identified in NSW since May 2022.

The latest NSW Health Alert is available via this link which gives a guide on symptoms to look out for and who to test. Anyone who exhibits symptoms of mpox infection – or who has had close and not necessarily sexual contact with a confirmed case – should be tested.  

In NSW, Mpox vaccine is recommended and free for all sexually active gay and bisexual men (cis and trans), sexual partners of these people and sex workers.  It is important to note two doses of vaccine are required, at least 28 days apart.  

To find clinics offering the vaccination visit the NSW Health website. 

ACCHO Request for RAT/PPE

Since the closure of the Government Stockpile for COVID-19 resources, AH&MRC has been able to support our members with ongoing access to the supply of RATS and PPE for their communities. However the AH&MRC short-term funding for supply of RATs and PPE to our members will has now concluded.  

During this transition period, we hope that you have established your own supplier pathways for ongoing access to these resources. If you have been unable to secure these pathways, please get in touch with us at Publichealth@ahmrc.org.au  

In addition, we have access to Gloves: Size: Large, Expiry: 7/2025.

If your service is interested in obtaining a carton/s (1000/carton), please email Public Health with your contact details, including name and position with delivery address and we will ship to your service. Carton numbers are limited. 

“Now’s the Time” Flu Vaccination Resources

The cold months of winter are here, and it is more important than ever to make sure our patients are up to date with vaccination, Vaccination will help keep our communities well and prevent severe illness from  respiratory infections. 

We have seen many admissions in NSW hospitals from influenza and other respiratory illness and it is young  children who are becoming severley unwell and being admitted into hospital.   

AH&MRC’s ‘Now’s the time’ resources have been created to help raise awareness and encourage everyone over 6 months of age to have the flu vaccination in 2024. 

We hope you will display these posters in your ACCHO and beyond, to spread the word that flu vaccination is one of the ways we can keep ourselves, our families and the whole community well.
Posters and web banners are available on the AH&MRC website and hard copies of these resources are available upon request.

Community poster
Elders poster
Mums and bubs poster
Pregnant mums poster 

Log in to your Members Dashboard to put in an order on the shop and receive a free poster pack delivered to your ACCHO. 

Vapes now prescription-only

As advised in the January article Reduced access to vapes coming – is your ACCHO ready? the government is continuing to introduce additional regulations in an effort to control access to recreational vapes.  

Therapeutic Goods and Other Legislation Amendment (Vaping Reforms) Bill 2024  has now passed which cracks down on the sale of all recreational vapes in Australia and there is restriction on advertising, packaging and flavours for vapes. 

Since Monday 1 July 2024, ALL vapes in Australia are only available at pharmacies. This means it’s illegal for any other retailer, including tobacconists and convenience stores, to sell any type of vape or vaping product. Individuals who have a vape on them for personal use will not be targeted under the changes to the laws. 

Until 30 September 2024, everyone will need a prescription from a doctor or nurse practitioner to buy vapes that contain nicotine. 

From 1 October 2024, people 18 years or over will be able to buy nicotine vapes from pharmacies without a prescription. People under 18 years will still need a prescription. 

You can find out more about the changes to the regulation of vapes on the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) website.  

Vaping is considered a second-line quitting aid for smokers who are unable to quit with first-line treatments. There is Information for prescribers available with links to the Special Access Scheme pathway which simplifies prescription access to therapeutic vapes where clinically appropriate.  

The following additional resources may help ACCHO’s staff who are supporting clients seeking help as a result of difficulty accessing vapes: 

The following resources are for patients, parents and carers:  

AH&MRC are committed to supporting smoking and vaping cessation in the community and will continue to provide funding for NRT to our member services. We are also working with stakeholders to explore training options for delivery of smoking cessation training across ACCHOs. 

Please reach out to asavidis@ahmrc.org.au or publichealth@ahmrc.org.au if you would like further information.